Have you noticed circles in your life?
You may set out in a new direction, so enthused and dedicated to a new trajectory. And then, after a period of time, perhaps 3 weeks or 3 months or 3 years, you realize that you’ve come full circle.
Of course, you may have grown in many ways, shown progress and even had several wins. And yet fundamentally the space in which you find yourself feels so much like the space that you were trying to grow past. And you were so certain you had it right this time.
Our habitual ways of being create these circular patterns. And when we push aside our feelings and soldier on, the circles persist and even intensify.
I have a little bedside book, and when I opened it recently, the page read, “Pain in life comes from avoiding the truth that your feelings tell. Any road that avoids feelings cannot be right. Hiding from your feelings only makes you go in circles.”
There is so much wisdom in our feelings. Yet we frequently ignore what our feelings have to say because we’re afraid to engage. We’re afraid to hear our own truth. We’re afraid we’ll feel adrift if we listen.
Allow your feelings to speak. Get out a journal. Ask yourself, “How do you feel?” Then wait. Wait for an answer to emerge. Then write that down. Ask one question after the next, perhaps “What is your gift? Why do you keep coming back?” In each case, simply wait for the answer to emerge.
Be curious about how you really feel. Find the courage to engage. Cultivate a relationship of compassion with your feelings. And trust that together you point the way beyond the circles.
Monica Laurence is a Quantum Shaper, combining enlightenment principles with business strategies to drive success. After decades in Hollywood and Silicon Valley as a computer scientist, creative strategist and serial entrepreneur, Monica now coaches entrepreneurs for a winning mental game and standout leadership. She hosts visionaries at Tavola, her luxe private villa and venue for retreats, including her Stillness retreats to tap the wisdom of your inner knowing. Learn to be predictably lucky and join Monica’s community of inspired and trendsetting innovators by enrolling in her online masterclass, Quantum Surfing. Learn more about Monica at monicalaurence.com.