Are you a Quantum Shaper™?
Are you curious to undertake a new method of success? Take a spin through the surfers profiled here. They've all learned to shape their boards to surf quantum waves. You’ll find purpose-driven innovators, venture-backed entrepreneurs, serial entrepreneurs with multiple exits, solopreneurs and coaches, corporate innovation execs guiding investment portfolios, musicians reflecting wisdom and humanity’s longings, athletes leading teams to championships, industry leaders shepherding an ambitious direction and all high achievers who are having impact and living their legacy.
Blake Fly.
9-Time TEDx Speaker. Sales Innovation Coach.
"I now have a community and I am surrounded by people who live in this way and who operate at a level of success, achievement and fulfillment that is extremely high — but they’re not burning themselves out in the process."
#TEDxSpeaker #SalesCoach #Catalyst #Musician #AppreciationGenius #1000+SpeakingGigs #Reach1000Lives #BizStrategy #Solopreneur #Canada
Rebecca Pan.
9x Serial Entrepreneur. Founder and CEO at Trellis Workspace.
"I call it ‘transformational philosophy’ because Monica has helped me change my belief system, tap into my intuition (which I’ve always had trouble accessing), and helped me step into my power in a much more authentic and considered way. If you’re thinking about it, do it.”
#SerialEntrepreneur #BusinessAdvisor #Coworking #EquityDiversityInclusion #FemaleFounder #Collaborator #TeamBuilder #IndustryLeader #SFO
Michael Collette.
Emmy Winner. 4x Venture-backed CEO. Board Member. Strategic Advisor to media tech startups.
"Honestly, the companies that have that good energy tend to make things happen. Good things tend to happen to those companies."
#SerialEntrepreneur #MultipleExits #Mediatech #CEO #StrategicAdvisor #BoardMember #Innovation #VentureDevelopment #SFO
Kit Hayes.
Global Head of Brand Strategy at YouTube.
"I think we all need to learn a new way of operating in this world. We haven't been, as a species, very skilled at collaborating with the Universe. The sooner we can all learn how to co-create and enjoy collaborating with the wider organism we're a part of, the better."
#CorporateLeader #BrandExpert SocialImpact #GuestLecturer #IndustryLeader #SFO

Nick Garcia.
Founder, Sotai Labs. Sold prior startup to Robinhood for $140MM. Investor.
“As soon as I let go, we had multiple offers come in for financing, some upwards of $50 million. I’m a much happier person after taking this class. I used to deal with a lot of anxiety and stress poorly, and the way of thinking I adopted has changed my mental state for the better."
#VenturebackedEntrepreneur #Founder #Investor #SocialEnterprises #VentureExit #BusinessDevelopment #DealFlow #EquitiesTrader #SFO #LAX
Arthur Orduna.
Chief Innovation Officer. Head of CG Venture Studio at Circumference Group investment firm.
"The sessions were really life-clarifying for me. After that first session, I sat there and thought, 'That was really good.' I had never taken the time to turn the mirror internally. The big breakthrough for me was understanding that I could actually affect what I had previously thought of as 'luck.' I could help shape where I wanted to go next."
#InnovationOfficer #CorporateLeader #Visionary #VentureStudio #NYC
Jesse Desjardins.
Global VP Marketing.
"Quantum Surfing has been the key to a radical change in mindset. Through my daily practice of Quantum Surfing, I've become a much more relaxed and happy creator with unlimited potential. It’s not even an option for me to go back to paddling through life the way I used to."
#CorporateLeader #SocialMarketingExpert #TourismVisionary #StragicInnovator #CreativeMarketer #Storyteller #Thailand #Canada
Robbie Samuels.
Multi-passionate entrepreneur. Business growth strategy coach. Virtual event producer. 3x Author.
"I didn't need specific coaching for my business to grow. I needed space to do this more personal and reflective work as a person. My relationship with my kids has changed, my relationship with my partner has changed. Make space for [Quantum Surfing] in your life."
#Relationships #PodcastHost #CertifiedLGBTBusinessEnterprise #Speaker
Pam Chaloult.
Founder and CEO of Practical Feet Advisors. Strategic coach. Sacred@Work podcast. Exec Producer of Social Venture Institute (SVI) Women.
"This is a paradigm shift. It is an expansion of your consciousness and your possibility."
#WisdomLeader #Mentor #LeadershipDevelopment #UnderdogChampion #Equity #Inclusion #SocialVentures #PodcastHost #IntuitiveRockstar #SFO
Keenan Laurence.
Professional Athlete and Venture-backed World Positive Startup.
"A lot of my breakthroughs have come through the Quantum Surfing mindset: being able to lean into the energy side of things, chase my opportunities and do what I really love to do."
#TeamCaptain #Leader #TeamPlayer #Frisbee #MVP #WorldPositiveStartUp #SFO

Vivian Laurence.
Venture-backed Startup, Digital Entrepreneur, Recording Artist.
"We've learned a lot on the leading edge of science about how reality actually works and I think it's time that we begin integrating these discoveries into the rest of our lives and our work. Quantum literally affects everything."
#CreativeThinker #Visionary StartUpGal #Writer #DroppingGems #FreeSpirit #Traveler #MultidimensionalArtist #PNW #Fiji

Tom Fanelli.
Venture-backed founder. Serial startups. CEO, Convesio.
"Sometimes you hear something fresh and new, but it “feels” like an age old truth, this is the case with Quantum Surfing. Once you experience it, you can never go back to the old way of thinking!"
#Founder #CEO #Innovator #VentureExits #SerialEntrepreneur #FamilyGuy #Florida

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